Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eye$ on Billionaire$

Do you like to keep your eyes on where the money is?

We do too!  We are students studying Commerce - Finance and Accounting - at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.  (Links are in green.)

Welcome to our BLOG:  Eye$ on Billionaire$

Developing and posting to this BLOG is part of our assessment for the subject IT & SocietyWhy visit this BLOG regularly?  Well:  over the next five weeks we will be posting regular updates on the topic of "The World's Billionaires", including:

- How to assess if you are Billionaire material?
- What educational qualifications might help make you a Bilionaire?
- Who are the world's top Billionaires and why?
- How do Billionaires make comebacks?

Did you know, for example, that 69 business professionals in India entered the Billionaire's list in the second half of 2010?  Interested? We hope so.

Positive feedback welcomed

If you agree, please do leave appropriate and respectful comments about our topic "The World's Billionaires" in the box below.  It'd be great if you could take a moment to do the poll (above left) as well.

All the best, and remember:  keep your Eye$ on Billionaire$!

Here's the planning thumbnail of this BLOG we developed just the other day at the University Library:

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